What and Why

Why am I doing this blog?

As stated previously, I want to be a more reflective teacher which, I think, makes me a more proactive teacher [citation needed]. I've recently been reminded some teachers are slow to change, that some teachers discount really good research into what makes their practice more effective. And I understand that. I can't change other teachers. The best I can do is to improve my practice, to be an example for others, and share what I know. I'm also hoping to use this blog as part of my evaluation.

I like my current school. I think I'm a better fit for this school than previous positions. However, I'm here only on a temporary contract. So, Goal one is do what I can to make myself as desirable as possible to my employers.

What will you see in this blog?

I'll just list them out and tag my posts as well. 

  1. Daily reflections/commentary.  
  2. Comments on books I'm reading.  
  3. Sharing lesson plans and student examples of their thinking.  
  4. Sharing interesting articles, both at the research and the practitioner level. I've already promised a teacher at another school the Benny article.  
  5. I hope to start conversations as well. I've left comments on for this purpose.  
  6. And I'll keep this professional, though I can't promise to not share occasional pictures of my dog.
Bob AllenComment